① 2K PU HD清漆: 2K PU HD Clearcoat:
高交联密度产品,提供更好的耐划伤、耐洗刷性能 high crosslink density, provide better scratch and brush resistance performance.
② 第三代清漆: Phase III Clearcoat:
在第二代清漆基础上,更好地抗划伤、耐洗刷性能,外观与其它类型清漆相当 based on the Phase II clearcoat,better scratch and brush resistance,the same appearance compared with other clearcoat
③ 水性清漆: Water borne clearcoat:
良好的外观、抗划伤性能和耐洗刷性能与溶剂型涂料相当 good appearance,the same performance of scratch and brush resistance with solvent borne clearcoat