BK是一家提供所有免中涂涂装技术的公司。免中涂技术是指在传统工艺基础上,减少烘烤和打磨工序各1道,达到更加节能环保同时,有效减少客户喷漆周期。与其它免中涂技术相比,IPP(2010+)免中涂技术对色彩的包容性方面的优势能有效减少客户采购颜色种类,为客户节约采购成本及涂装管道设备投资。 BK is the sole company owned all primerless process tech. Primerless process tech, compared with traditional process,could individually reduce one process of baking and sanding to realize the conception of more energy saving and painting period shorten. Compared with other primerless process, IPP (2010+) process has the advantage of better color compatibility which could reduce the procurement type, saving cost and facility investment for customer.
BKNP(BK)拥有当前通用的三种免中涂技术: BKNP(BK) owns 3 kinds of primerless process tech:
① Eco-concept 技术:该技术目前仅限欧洲应用 Eco-concept: for Euro only
② Compact Concept technology(CCT技术):单组分免中涂技术,可直接应用到传统水性生产线,降低改造成本 Compact Concept technology(CCT): 1K Primerless process tech, applicable directly for traditional water borne painting line, reduce the cost of reconstruction.
③ IPP(2010+)技术 :抗UV性好;对3涂层的兼容性好;外观好;容易开发新色 IPP(2010+) tech: good UV resistance, good compatibility of other topcoats,good appearance,fast color development